Products and Solutions
Products and Solutions
The strengths of our products
Soteco International stands out with its wide range of products and services tailored to the marine and power industries.
Soteco manufactures and distributes spare parts for oil purifiers, plate heat exchangers, freshwater distillers, screw pumps and filters for lubricating and fuel oil, as well as fully rebuilt separators, separator bowls, and auxiliary equipment for separator automation.

Products and Solutions
We are worldwide
Soteco resources are in key locations globally, to support customers wherever and whenever. There are fully equipped facilities and customer support teams in both Italy and Singapore, complemented by a worldwide network of sales channels to provide even broader coverage and local support.
We are professional
Soteco is always developing and improving its knowledge, processes, skills, and competences to provide high-quality, cost-effective products and services while maintaining integrity and high ethical standards.
We provide peace of mind
Soteco organization is geared to support its many and diverse customers to focus on their businesses with the assurance that they will receive the best support to help them accomplish their objectives. Running smoothly and cost-efficiently means for us to maintain a high level of competitiveness.
We are reliable
Soteco is a trusted business partner. Its services and spare parts are first developed, tested, and proven over many years to ensure the reliability of the equipment they serve. Soteco’s dedication to customers’ satisfaction makes them confident in the company’s ability to ensure that they will get the most out of the products and services purchased.